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Tse & Associates, P.S., located in Bellevue, Washington, provides a range of general legal services. Our areas of practice include estate planning, real estate and landlord-tenant issues, business and commercial development, criminal defense, immigration and litigation.

Bianca Tse now serves as Managing Attorney at the firm who has over 16 years of experience in litigation as a former King County Deputy Prosecuting Attorney. Her trial experience includes prosecuting dozens of felony and misdemeanor cases in Superior and District Court. Additionally, to serve our Chinese speaking clients, she speaks Cantonese.

Tse & Associates has been serving the eastside community for over 20 years. We are committed to our eastside clients and understand the needs of a growing community. Our mission is to provide the highest level of professional legal service to our clients.
 14040 North East 8th Street #305 Bellevue, Washington 98007