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湾区, 硅谷商业房地产解决方案
(买卖, 租赁, 代理, 经纪, 咨询)

办公室, 工业, 研发, 生命科学, 环境科技, 店面, 投资, 商场, 旅馆

Commercial Real Estate Services:
Industrial, office, retail, hotel, investment, life science, and technology properties

We offer a complete range of brokerage, appraisal, property management, consulting, sustainability, and project and construction management services for all property types. To better support chinese speaking clients, China Services Group, located in Silicon Valley, provides commercial real estate services with chinese speaking brokers and agents fluent in both mandarin chinese and cantonese.

China Services Group:
Agnes Lam (林小姐)
Phone: (650) 3089388
Email: [email protected]
 10 Almaden Blvd, San Jose, CA 95113