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Pasadena Sound has been in business for over 15 years. We have had many satisfied and successful customers. We specialize in full car customization. Our products range from sound systems to HID's. We create custom boxes specifically to fit your car and improve sound quality, or completely transform your car.
Over the years we have serviced high and low end cars, from Honda Civics to Lamborghini Gallardo's and Bentley's . Our professionally trained installers have been installing for over 12 years and we can gurantee their service is quality assured and efficient.
We stock high quality rims and have access to over 20 warehouses across Southern California, so you are guranteed to get a great selection of over hundreds, even thousands of rims that can fit your unique style and personality along with the personality of the car.
Only the best for our customers. Help us help you make your dream for your vehicle come alive.
 1880 E Colorado Blvd, #B, Pasadena, CA 91107