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关于 Peter Zhao 医生

发布者:黄磊 - Dr. Raymond Huang 发布时间:2022-06-13 来源:黄磊 - Dr. Raymond Huang

Dr. Peter Zhao hails from San Diego, California. After completing the undergraduate portion of the University of the Pacific’s Accelerated Dental program and earning his B.S. in three years, he moved to New York to attend the NYU College of Dentistry.

While at NYU, he was invited to participate in its highly-selective Global Outreach Program, providing access to care to patients in distant Nepal to native Plattsburgh, New York. Upon graduating from NYU, he then chose to further his training by completing a General Practice Residency at Jacobi Medical Center in affiliation with the Albert Einstein College of Medicine, gaining experience treating patients with acute trauma, special needs, and complex medical/dental histories.

Dr. Zhao keeps up to date with the ever-evolving dental landscape through the Spear Institute and the Academy of General Dentistry. He is also a member of the American Academy of Endodontics and the Chinese American Dental Association. When not around teeth, Dr. Zhao enjoys tennis, hiking, and finding the best tacos in town. His goal is to serve patients in a way that conveys compassion and offers an environment for them to feel heard, relaxed, and respected.