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      军事博物馆-Seattle Veterans Museum

      2023-01-16 22:29:20发布,长期有效,362浏览
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    • 区域:西雅图
    • 地址: 2711 Oakes Ave, Everett WA, Seattle, WA 98201
      • 联系人:军事博物馆
      • 电话: 点击查看完整号码
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    The VFW POST 2100 of Everett WA has saved our museum from closing permanently. They have generously offered to allow our museum to move into some space they have at their hall on 2711 Oakes Ave, Everett WA. We are in the process of changing our museum's name to VETERANS HERITAGE MUSEUM and LEARNING CENTER.

    Thank you so much, VFW POST 2100, for saving our wonderful museum!!!

    UPDATE: The VFW is currently looking to move to a new facility. It is still undetermined if their new facility will be large enough to also house our museum. Our move into the VFW was planned to be a temporary location anyway. OUR MUSEUM IS STILL LOOKING FOR A PERMANENT HOME. We are hoping that a partnership between the city of SEATTLE , King County, Snohomish County and Washington State and other private organizations and corporations will come together to permanently house and manage our museum efforts. Thus far, no one has stepped up to assume this role.

    We will be open every Friday from 11AM -4PM. We are still an all-volunteer group so right now we only have the volunteers to be open that one day each week. We need many more volunteers to come forward so we can expand our schedule in our new Everett location.

    We are also seeking an organization, city govt, county govt, or group of DEDICATED people to take over the management of the museum. SVM's current manager has been doing it for 13 years now and is hoping someone new can step up and take over this noble cause. Don't let our veterans, who have given so much, be forgotten.

    We hope to some day find a sponsor that can provide a budget to pay our small rent, plus hire a manager and at least one employee (to clerk the front desk and work on fundraising). Approximately $120,000 would cover all of that. Eventually, this paid fundraiser should be able to cover the $120K and the museum would be self-sufficient. Our museum has been "grass-roots" since day one. Our museum, like all non-profits needs your help to grow.

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     2711 Oakes Ave, Everett WA, Seattle, WA 98201


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    军事博物馆-Seattle Veterans Museum

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