·旧金山 [切换]

      San Leandro 治安良好的住宅小区有一间雅房出租

      2025-01-11 03:22:00发布,长期有效,751浏览
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    • 区域:旧金山
    • 地址:XXXX Camellia Ct, San Leandro, CA. 94577
      • 联系人:San Leandro 治安良好的住宅小区有一间雅房出租
      • 电话: 点击查看完整号码
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    • 信息详情
    位于三藩市东湾 San Leandro Zip Code 94577 的住宅小区现有一间雅房出租,小区东边靠近 San Leandro Bart 站和 Safeway 等购物超市及各类餐馆,西边靠近 Costco, Home Depot 和 Walmart 与及唐人超市等其它商店。交通和购物都十分方便,这里的居住环境舒适优美,治安宁静良好。这间睡房配备家具,并提供停车位。你将和另一个女室友共用一个卫生间,共用厨房和饭厅与及洗衣机和烘乾机。适合爱清洁的正职单身女仕和女大学生长期居住。要求无宠物,无派对,不吸烟和大蔴等。每月租金为$1100元,租金已包括水,电,垃圾和上网及小区管理等费用。要先付一个月的押金和一个月的首期。短租则另议。 联系电话 : 510-331-6711 曾先生。这是唯一的联系方式, 若有不便, 恳请包容, 谢谢!
    There is a room for rent in the San Leandro Zip Code 94577 residential community in East Bay, San Francisco. The east side of the community is close to San Leandro Bart Station, Safeway and other shopping supermarkets and various restaurants, and the west side is close to Costco, Home Depot and Walmart and other stores such as Tangren Supermarket. Transportation and shopping are very convenient. The living environment here is comfortable and beautiful, and the law and order are good and quiet. This bedroom is furnished and parking is provided. You will share a bathroom with another female roommate, and share a kitchen and dining room as well as a washing machine and dryer. It is suitable for full-time single women and female college students who love cleanliness to live long-term. No pets, no parties, no smoking and hemp are required. The monthly rent is $1,100, which includes water, electricity, garbage, Internet and community management. A one-month deposit and a one-month down payment are required. Short-term rental is negotiable. Contact number: 510-331-6711 Mr. Zeng. This is the only way to contact you. Please forgive us if there is any inconvenience.
    When contacting, please be sure to indicate that you saw it on the San Francisco Bay Area Chinese Information Network, thank you!

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