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      Museum of the National Center of Afro American Artists

      2022-12-21 09:15:31发布,长期有效,265浏览
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    • 区域:波士顿
    • 地址: 300 Walnut Avenue, Boston, MA, 02119
      • 联系人: Museum of the National Center of Afro American Artists
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    • 信息详情


    The Museum of the National Center of Afro
    American Artists (NCAAA) is dedicated to the celebration, exhibition,
    collection and criticism of black visual arts heritage worldwide.


    The Museum presents a wide range of
    historical and contemporary exhibitions in many media, including painting,
    sculpture, graphics, photography and decorative arts.


    Among the resources offered at the Museum
    are its African, Afro-Latin, Afro-Caribbean and African American collections;
    an extensive slide archive, and a rich variety of education programs for young
    people and adults.


    On the grounds of the museum's historic
    location sits the Eternal Presence. This piece was commissioned by the National
    Center of Afro-American Artists to celebrate human creativity and spirituality
    from the beginning of the human family to now.


    John Wilson created the sculpture drawing
    upon various traditions including the Olmec heads of ancient Mexico and images
    of contemplating Buddhas. Eternal Presence was installed in 1987, and
    represents the commitment of the NCAAA to excellence in contemporary artistic
    expression for the black world


    Since 1969, the National Center of Afro-American
    Artists and the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, 

    have enjoyed a unique collaboration that
    has been mutually beneficial, and has greatly assisted in the development of
    the NCAAA's museum.

    [ - 收缩]


    Walnut Avenue, Boston, MA, 02119


    • 相关图片

    Museum of the National Center of Afro American Artists Museum of the National Center of Afro American Artists Museum of the National Center of Afro American Artists

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